Wednesday, June 17, 2009

General Prayer Requests

We depart this Thursday at 7pm for our 12-hour flight to Croatia! Our flight stops at London on our way to Zagreb, Croatia. Our team is very excited and we'd love to share some general prayer requests if you'd like to pray for our team. Here are the main requests:
  • Open hearts of the children to the Word of God and the message of Jesus Christ
  • Wisdom in sharing God's love and the message of Jesus Christ to the students in a way that will impact them
  • Health for the team during the entire 2 1/2 week trip amidst the lack of sleep, limited exercise and different foods, climate, and location
  • Safe travels with everyone and everything arriving safely to Croatia, and general safety of everyone during the trip
  • Strength and energy throughout the trip, particularly during time with students, during the longs days and ability sleep/relax when time permits
  • Unity of the team in demonstrating God's unsurpassable love

While talking to one my friends about the trip a few days ago, he said something that is very inspiring for our team: "We have an unstoppable God so victory is already yours."

I only hope we can take part in making some amazing things happen over there!

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